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The World Keeps On Changing So Adapt or Disappear

Adapt or Disappear: Lessons from Kodak and Beyond Remember Kodak ? Back in 1997, Kodak was a giant. It had around 160,000 employees, and an incredible 85% of the world's photography was captured using Kodak cameras. Kodak was photography. Yet, as mobile cameras started to rise, Kodak didn’t keep up. In what felt like the blink of an eye, they went from being the king of the hill to completely out of the market. Kodak went bankrupt, and all those employees lost their jobs. This story isn’t just about Kodak ; it’s a cautionary tale about what happens when you fail to change with the times. Kodak isn't alone. Think about other big names from the past: HMT (Watches) Bajaj (Scooters) Dyanora (TVs) Murphy (Radios) Nokia (Mobile Phones) Rajdoot (Bikes) Ambassador (Cars) These weren’t companies making bad products. They were the best at what they did for a while. The world didn’t leave them behind because they were bad; it left them behind because they didn’t change when the world c
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How to Use Body Language to Boost Your Charisma, Power and Influence

💕All you need is love, not hate💕 Museli Mulaima Do you want to learn how to communicate more effectively with your body language? Do you want to impress others with your confidence, authority, and charisma ? Do you want to influence people with your words, actions and vision? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this blog post is for you. In this post, I will share with you three simple but powerful tips on how to use body language to boost your charisma , power, and influence. These tips are based on scientific research, historical examples, and personal experience. They are easy to apply, and they will make a big difference in how you present yourself and how others perceive you. CHECK OUT SPOTIFY Created by Museli Mulaima


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How to Talk to Your Parents

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Three Mistakes You Should Never Make At Your Workplace

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Today is a new way to navigate into a new chapter

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The Last Words of Steve Jobs

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Explain Infidelity with a Parable

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The Illusion of Ownership

Reasons Why We Don't Own Anything in This Life By Museli Mulaima Have you ever wondered what you truly own in this life? What are the things that you can claim as yours, and what are the things that you merely borrow or rent? In this blog post, I will challenge the common notion of ownership and show you why we don't own anything in this life. What is ownership? Ownership  is the state or fact of having exclusive rights and control over something. It implies that you have the power to use, dispose, or transfer something as you wish. Ownership also implies that you have the responsibility to take care of something and protect it from harm or loss. But how do we acquire ownership ? How do we know that something belongs to us? The answer is not so simple. In most cases, we rely on social conventions, legal systems, or moral principles to determine ownership . For example, we may say that we own a piece of land because we have a title deed, or we own a car because we have a regist

The Wisdom of African Proverbs

Introduction Proverbs are short and memorable sayings that express a truth or a lesson. They are often based on common sense, experience, or observation. Proverbs can be found in many cultures and languages, and they can offer valuable insights and guidance for life. In this blog post, I will share with you some proverbs that I have collected from various sources. These proverbs are about family, money, sex, success, and more. I hope they will inspire you and make you think. Family > It is still a mystery how one father can feed seven children. But seven children cannot feed one father. This proverb reminds us of the sacrifices and responsibilities that parents have for their children. It also warns us of the ingratitude and selfishness that children may have for their parents. We should always appreciate and honor our parents, and not neglect them when they are old and needy. > Never plant thorns on someone's path. Your children may take that route barefooted one day. This p

Never Do These Five Foolish Things

Life is full of choices and consequences. Some choices are wise and lead to happiness and success. Others are foolish and lead to misery and failure. In this blog post, I will share with you five foolish things that you should never do in your life. These are based on my own experience and observation, and I hope they will help you avoid some common pitfalls and regrets. 1. Never talk about your dreams to anyone Dreams are precious and personal. They are the fuel that motivates you to pursue your goals and passions. However, not everyone will understand or support your dreams. Some people may mock, discourage, or even sabotage your dreams. That's why you should never talk about your dreams to anyone, unless they are trustworthy and supportive. Remember, a fish with its mouth shut avoids the hook. 2. Never get too involved in other people's problems It's good to be compassionate and helpful to others. However, you should not get too involved in other people's problems, e

Discover Your True Potential

Lessons from the Chicken-Eagle Story Do you ever feel like you don't fit in or aren't reaching your full potential? Maybe you feel stuck in your own created limits. If so, the chicken-eagle story can show you the importance of knowing yourself and reaching your true potential. Once upon a time, a man found an eagle's egg and put it in a hen's nest. The egg hatched, and the eagle grew up thinking it was a chicken, doing chicken things. It never knew it was different or had a greater purpose. One day, the eagle saw a beautiful bird flying high and asked its friend, "Who is that?" "That's the eagle, the king of the birds," the friend replied. "We're chickens; we belong to the earth." Accepting this, the eagle never questioned its identity again, living and dying as a chicken without realizing its true potential. Lesson This story teaches us that our beliefs and surroundings can limit us. We might not know who we truly are or what we